
Baggage Control™ - Tear-Trough Filler Overview

The number one reason we see dark circles under the eyes is because of volume loss in the tear trough. ‘Dark circles’ is an umbrella term to describe a variety of cosmetic concerns around the eyes. There are several things that can lead to dark circles and believe it or not it’s got less to do with sleep and much more to do with genetics. Some individuals are born with less fat in the under-eye area and therefore have an indentation commonly referred to as a tear trough hollow. While everyone has a natural indention that sits on top of the rim of the bone - some may have a deeper valley than others. Beyond genetics, we can look to lifestyle factors such as sun exposure, allergies, dehydration that can affect the under-eye area. Premium dermal tear trough filler at Esteem Aesthetics can be effectively used to rectify this problem.

Frequently asked questions

Do dark circles get worse as we age?

Unfortunately, yes. As we age, our tissue goes through something called ‘cellular ageing’ which basically means that the cells we turn over aren’t as robust as the previous ones. So how do we slow down the process? Wear sunscreen and protective eyewear, eat a balanced diet, stay well hydrated and make sure you get enough sleep!

How Do You Use Dermal fillers To Treat dark circles?

There are two main dark circles treatments that can restore the tear troughs and address under eye bags.

1. Treating loss of cheek volume

Over time, the cheek fat pad or ‘malar fat pad’ starts to drop because of volume loss. This can have a considerable effect on other areas of our face – including the under-eye area. Under-eye fillers can help to define the cheekbones and fill in areas where volume diminishes. Treating the upper cheek with dermal filler often provides great support to the under-eye area and reduces the appearance of the tear trough.

2. Treating the tear trough itself

If you have great cheek volume and simply have a deep tear trough then dermal filler can be injected into the tear trough to lift the area and reduce the depth of the line. Filler in this area also helps to recreate the free-flowing transition from the eyes to the cheek.

What can I expect from the treatment?

To prepare for your appointment Esteem Aesthetics - avoid any alcohol or blood thinning agents (such as Aspirin) in the days leading up to the treatment. At the appointment, your doctor will start with a thorough facial assessment and will mark out the area. The treatment usually takes about 20-30 minutes and a topical numbing agent can be applied prior to injection to ease any discomfort. The number of injections in each treatment varies as it’s based on individual need, however, once the injections are complete, your doctor will gently massage the treatment sites to further smooth out the areas. After your appointment, we recommend icing the area and we ask that you avoid high-intensity workouts for the next 24 hours.

Pricing & Availability

How much does Tear-Trough Filler Cost?

  • Total Price: $770 (for both eyes)

* All prices stated above are average estimates only and are subject to change based on your individual requirements.

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N.b. The Esteem Aesthetics website provides general information about surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. General information is not a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment, and should not be accepted in place or in preference to a consultation with one of our qualified doctors.