
Breast Implants + Lift Surgery (augmentation + Mastopexy) OVERVIEW

Rejuvenate and lift your breasts by combining a breast lift with breast implant surgery in the same procedure. With the passage of time, some women not only notice the loss of shape, perkiness and contour to their breasts, but also the loss of volume. With immaculate attention to fine details, Esteem Aesthetics’ plastic surgeons can perform a breast lift with simultaneous implants, or augmentation mastopexy procedure.

In this surgery, the breasts are rejuvenated, reshaped and lifted to a more youthful position and at the same time, have their volume increased with the addition of carefully chosen, high quality, cohesive silicone gel implants. This procedure therefore not only reshapes and rejuvenates the sagging breast, but also increases cup size. Essentially, it is the combination of a breast augmentation and breast lift all in the one operation. The procedure itself is more complex and hence requires more planning preoperatively. It can, though, lead to some of the most spectacular results.


Performed by a qualified and substantially experienced plastic and reconstructive surgeon.


Operated in our fully licensed & accredited private hospitals in Sydney NSW and Queensland.


Conducted under general anaesthesia administered by a specialist anaesthetist.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a breast augmentation + lift?

Breast augmentation combined with breast lift surgery, also known as augmentation-mastopexy, is a procedure that raises, enlarges and reshapes the position of the breasts. The procedure involves implants being inserted beneath the breasts to enlarge them. The implant type and size depends on factors such as how much bigger you want your breasts to be, your breast anatomy, skin laxity and elasticity, and body type. Excess skin is also removed to tighten the surrounding tissue and to reshape and support the new breast contour. The internal breast tissue is usually reshaped as well.

What will it do?

Breast augmentation and lift surgery is designed to enlarge the breast size and to reshape and tighten the breast contour by removing excess skin. This gives the breasts a larger and raised appearance. This operation is commonly used to restore breast volume and shape after weight reduction or pregnancy and breastfeeding. This operation can also reduce the size of the areola, which can become enlarged over time.

Is it right for me?

A consultation with one of our experienced plastic surgeons at Esteem Aesthetics is important to determine your suitability as a candidate for the breast lift with implants surgery. This will all be dependent on the degree of sagging and the amount of volume you currently have, upon examination of your breasts, your plastic surgeon will advise you if you can do both procedures together. Sometime, if there is considerable sagging and volume, you may be advised to have the procedure in two stages - i.e. a breast lift/reduction first, followed by the breast implants surgery six to nine months later. 

Breast lift surgery (also known as mastopexy, or breast reconstruction) helps to restore the elasticity of the female breast tissue, typically after weight loss, pregnancy and childbirth, breastfeeding or ageing. The improvement in self-esteem and confidence can be remarkable, making a breast lift a worthwhile procedure for those who are feeling insecure or unhappy with their shape.

At your consultation at Esteem Aesthetics, your plastic surgeon will examine your breasts and determine what would be the ideal breast lift technique for you. (Different techniques may be required for different patients. This is often due to the age of the patient, the size of the breast, the amount of breast tissue to be removed, and also depending on the end result the patient is looking for and what would suit them best). 

What are the different surgical techniques?

Breast lift surgery techniques:

  1. Crescent Lift – involves a crescent of skin removed at the top of the nipple to improve nipple position. This is the least invasive breast lift.

  2. Benelli Lift – Otherwise known as a Circumareolar Lift. This is best used for slight nipple asymmetry or a mild lift. A doughnut-shaped incision is made around the areola to remove tissue and the skin is then ‘purse-stringed’ to tighten the breast skin. It is less invasive than a full mastopexy. A flattening effect on the breasts may occur.

  3. Lollipop Lift – Or Vertical Scar Mastopexy. A lollipop-shaped incision is made from the crease of the breast vertically and surrounds the nipple. This is a very effective lift for many women with low hanging breasts.

  4. Anchor Lift – For significant breast droop. This is when the incision is made similar to the lollipop, but also travels along the breast crease, forming an anchor shape. This is the most invasive breast lift procedure, but very effective for women with a long inframammary fold (distance from breast crease to nipple).

At your consultation at Esteem Aesthetics, your plastic surgeon will explain the risks, complications and limitations associated with the combined breast lift with implants procedure.

What type of implants do you use?

Silicone gel filled implants are most commonly used in breast augmentation surgery at Esteem Aesthetics. They contain a gel which is usually termed ‘cohesive’. We use:

  • Mentor implants, Nagor and Motiva implants

  • Smooth, microtextured and nano textured implants

  • Round and tear-drop (anatomical) shaped implants

  • A wide range of different projected implants (commonly called profiles; example include: high profile, extra high profile, moderate profile, and low profile)

  • A complete range of implant sizes

What type of anaesthetic do you use?

A combined breast lift surgery with implants is performed under general anaesthetic under the care of a specialist anaesthetist. The surgery is performed at a private accredited hospital. It is usually a day only procedure. Sometimes, depending on patient’s health, or complexity of procedure, the surgeon may advise you to stay overnight in the hospital. Drains may or may not be used. 

Are implants Lifetime devices? 

Breast implants are not lifetime devices. You must be aware that at some point in your life your implants may need replacing. Sometimes, they may need replacing in a few years and other times, not for many years. Based on literature and studies, the average life expectancy seems to be vary between 8 to 16 years. Sometimes the replacement of implants is by choice (eg. to change size) although sometimes they need to be replaced because of complications, such as a symptomatic capsule forming around the implant or perhaps rupture of the implant.

Are silicone implants safe?

In recent years it has come to light that certain texturing techniques may pre-dispose to increased ongoing inflammation around the breast implant which could lead to a rare condition called ALCL. The incidence of this is around 1:25,000 compared to the risk of breast cancer which is around 1:8. In other words, this condition is very rare indeed. Latest generation implants such as ones with micro-texturing or nano-texturing have been shown to minimise inflammation and capsular contracture rates.

What are the risks?

Every surgical procedure involves a certain amount of risk, and it is important that you understand the risks involved with mastopexy. An individual’s choice to undergo a surgical procedure is based on the comparison to the risk to potential benefit. While the majority of women do not experience these complications, you should discuss each of them with your breast lift surgeon to make sure you understand the risks, potential complications, and consequences of breast lift surgery.

  • Bleeding – It is possible, though unusual, to experience a bleeding episode during or after surgery. Should operative bleeding occur, it may require emergency treatment to drain accumulated blood or blood transfusion. Do not take any aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications for ten days before surgery, as this may increase the risk of bleeding.

  • Infections – An infection is quite unusual after this type of surgery. Should an infection occur, treatment includes antibiotics or additional surgery may be necessary.

  • Change in nipple and skin sensation – You may experience a change in the sensitivity of the nipples and the skin of your breasts. Permanent loss of nipple sensation can occur after a mastopexy in one or both nipples.

  • Skin scarring –  All surgery leaves scars, some more visible than others. Although good wound healing a surgical procedure is expected, abnormal scars may occur within the skin and deeper tissue. Scars may be unattractive and of different color than the surrounding skin tone. There is the possibility of visible marks in skin from sutures. In some cases scars may require surgical revision or treatment.

  • Firmness – Excessive firmness of the breast can occur after surgery due to internal scarring or scarring around a breast implant if one is used. The occurrence of this is not predictable. Additional treatment including surgery may be needed.

  • Delayed Healing – Wound disruption or delayed would healing is possible. Some areas of the breast nipple regions may not heal normally and may take a long time to heal.

  • Asymmetry – Some breast asymmetry naturally occurs in most women. Differences in terms of breasts are nipple shape, size, or symmetry may also occur after surgery. Additional surgery may be necessary to revise the asymmetry after a mastopexy.

  • Allergic Reactions – In rare cases, local allergies to tape, suture material, or topical preparations have been reported. Systemic reactions which are more serious may occur to drugs used during surgery and prescription medications. Allergic reactions may require additional treatment.

  • Breast Augmentation related risks include: Capsular contracture, fluid accumulation around the implant pocket, numbness, displacement of implants, animation of implants, rotation of implants (if tear drop implants are used), rippling, wrinkling, need for secondary surgery, asymmetry.

Prices & Availability

How much does breast lift with implants costs?

From $15,500 to $19,500*

Fee includes the hospital theatre and bed fees, the anaesthetist fee, the surgeon’s fee, the cost of the implants, the post-surgery compression bra, the Keller Funnel and the post-surgery consultations in the first year of surgery.

How much is the consultation?

The cost of the consultation is $250. This fee is payable when you call to book and confirm the appointment. As we exclusively reserve your appointment schedule, please do note that the consultation fee is non refundable/transferable in an event of a no show, cancellation, rescheduling, change of mind etc etc. You are essentially paying for the time we are blocking out.

A GP referral is required for consultation.

Patient financing & PAYMENT PLAN OPTIONS

Does Esteem Aesthetics Provide payment plans?

Patient financing is completely independent from the clinic. For patients wanting affordable payment plans please apply directly with Total Lifestyle Credit. This facility is subject to approval. Our advice to all patients is to be financially responsible when undertaking finance for elective surgical procedures.

To apply for patient financing CLICK HERE NOW.

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1300 378 336

N.b. The Esteem Aesthetics website provides general information about surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. General information is not a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment, and should not be accepted in place or in preference to a consultation with one of our qualified doctors.