Breast AugmenTation Surgery (With Implants) OVERVIEW
Breast implant surgery, otherwise known as breast augmentation or breast enlargement surgery, is Esteem Aesthetics’ most performed procedure. We use the very latest techniques to produce beautiful results that enhance and complement everyone’s physical frame and requirements. Our plastic surgeons have mastered the art by performing this procedure in literally hundreds of women.
There are many decisions to make when considering breast implant surgery with Esteem Aesthetics, including the type of look you desire, the type of implant to use, its size, shape as well as the location of any surgical incisions, pocket locations and placements. The best choices for these are, of course, individually determined and are best made in consultation with one of our plastic surgeons.
Performed by a qualified and substantially experienced plastic and reconstructive surgeon
Operated in our fully licensed & accredited private hospitals in Sydney NSW and Queensland.
Conducted under general anaesthesia administered by a specialist anaesthetist.
What type of implants do you use?
Silicone gel filled implants are most commonly used in breast augmentation surgery at Esteem Aesthetics. They contain a gel which is usually termed ‘cohesive’. We use:
Mentor implants, Nagor implants and Motiva implants
Smooth, microtextured and nano textured implants
Round and tear-drop (anatomical) shaped implants
A wide range of different projected implants (commonly called profiles; example include: high profile, extra high profile, moderate profile, and low profile)
A complete range of implant sizes
Where are my incisions?
The incisions our plastic surgeons primarily use at Esteem Aesthetics is the infra-mammary incision. This is an incision underneath the breast in the breast fold. This approach is associated with the lowest complication rate. Esteem Aesthetics’ surgeons use a short scar and a minimal touch approach by employing the Keller Funnel technique.
Where are My implants placed?
The implant can be placed on top of the pectoralis major muscle (subglandular) or underneath the pectoralis major muscle (submuscular/dual plane). Where it will be placed will be dependent on your specific needs, the outcomes you want to achieve, your lifestyle and most importantly your anatomy. At your consultation with Esteem Aesthetics’s plastic surgeon you will be educated on implant pockets, and the pros and cons associated with each particular placement. This will help you make an informed decision.
How do I select my size?
At your consultation at Esteem Aesthetics, detailed measurements of your breasts will be taken by your plastic surgeon. These measurements are necessary not only for narrowing down your implant choices but also to plan your surgery and ensure that the implants you eventually select are appropriate in size for your frame and that your breasts and nipples are correctly positioned over the implants and do not sit too high or too far out to the sides.
Based on these measurements, you will be shown the various implants that could achieve the look you desire. We have a large range of implant styles, shapes and sizes at Esteem Aesthetics for you to try in a crop-top so that you can visualise and compare the likely degree of enhancement each can give you. Although your surgeon will guide you through the implant selection process, he will ultimately leave the final choice of size up to you.
What type of anaesthetic do you use?
Esteem Aesthetics performs all breast augmentation procedures under general anaesthetic administered by a specialist anaesthetist. The surgery is performed at a private accredited hospital. It is usually conducted as a day only procedure. Sometimes, depending on the patient’s health, or complexity of the procedure, your plastic surgeon may advise you to stay overnight in the hospital. Drains may or may not be used.
Are implants Lifetime devices?
Breast implants are not lifetime devices. You must be aware that at some point in your life your implants may need replacing. Sometimes, they may need replacing in a few years and other times, not for many years. Based on literature and studies, the average life expectancy seems to be vary between 8 to 16 years. Sometimes the replacement of implants is by choice (eg. to change size) although sometimes they need to be replaced because of complications, such as a symptomatic capsule forming around the implant or perhaps rupture of the implant.
Are silicone implants safe?
In recent years it has come to light that certain texturing techniques may pre-dispose to increased ongoing inflammation around the breast implant which could lead to a rare condition called ALCL. The incidence of this is around 1:25,000 compared to the risk of breast cancer which is around 1:8. In other words, this condition is very rare indeed. Latest generation implants such as ones with micro-texturing or nano-texturing have been shown to minimise inflammation and capsular contracture rates.
Breast Implant Illness. Is it real?
While multiple scientific studies have confirmed no association between implants and connective tissue disorders, there are patients with hypersensitive immune systems, breast implants (and dental implants/coils/orthopaedic metalwork/ heart valves etc.) may cause local and systemic symptoms. This is termed Breast Implant Illness (BII). Breast Implant illness is still being studied.
What are the risks?
At your consultation at Esteem Aesthetics, the risks and complications associated with breast augmentation surgery will be discussed with you in detail. Prior to undergoing surgery, you must have a detailed understanding of the risks and complications. General Risks of surgery include: Bruising, bleeding, infection, anaesthetic risks, and scarring. Breast Augmentation related risks include: Capsular contracture, fluid accumulation around the implant pocket, numbness, displacement of implants, animation of implants, rotation of implants (if tear drop implants are used), rippling, wrinkling, need for secondary surgery, asymmetry, and more.
What is the cost of breast augmentation surgery?
Breast Augmentation Surgery – Sydney and Brisbane Pricing
$8,800* all inclusive – Motiva Round/Mentor Round/Nagor Round Implants
$10,500* all inclusive – Motiva Ergonomix /Teardrop implants
The total cost of breast augmentation will include the following:
Doctor’s Fee
Private Hospital Theatre and Bed Fee
Anaesthetist Fee
Breast Implants x 2
The above prices are based on straight forward cases. Straight forward meaning: You do not have moderate to severe ptosis and a lift is not required, you do not have chest deformities, you do not have breast deformities such as tuberous breasts and there is no significant asymmetry we need to correct.
Cost of Consultation : $250.00
The cost of the consultation fee (face to face, Skype or FaceTime) is payable at the time of the booking. This amount is non-refundable/transferable amount in an event of a no show, cancellation, rescheduling, change of mind etc etc. You are essentially paying for the time we are exclusively reserving for you.
Please do not book an appointment if you are unsure of your availability. The consultation date and time is exclusively booked for you.
What should be my next step if I am interested to pursue this option?
Your first step is to see your Gp and organise to get a referral to see our surgeon. Once you have received your letter of referral, kindly call the clinic on 1300 378 336 and schedule an appointment for a consultation with our plastic surgeon.
Patient financing & PAYMENT PLAN OPTIONS
Is there patient financing?
Patient Financing is completely independent from the clinic. For patients wanting affordable payment plans please apply directly with Total Lifestyle Credit. This facility is subject to approval. Our advice to all patients is to be financially responsible when undertaking finance for elective surgical procedures.
To apply for patient financing CLICK HERE NOW.
Start Your Journey To A More Beautiful, COnfident YOu!
The time is now. Reach out to make an enquiry or To book your appointment.
1300 378 336
N.b. The Esteem Aesthetics website provides general information about surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. General information is not a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment, and should not be accepted in place or in preference to a consultation with one of our qualified doctors.